Recap AMA VIC Group 🤝 Kira Network

VIC Group
9 min readSep 12, 2020


👉 Part 1: Basic Introduction of Kira Network and Milana Valmont CEO & Mateusz CTO of Kira Network.
👉Part 2: Guest Milana Valmont CEO & Mateusz CTO of Kira Network will answer community questions. People can post questions (here (
👉Part 3: All members can ask anything directly about Kira Network.

Tiểu Mai:
AMA start !!!
📣📣📣Hello everyone📣📣📣
Welcome back to VIC Group
This is Tieu Mai — Host AMA tonight.

Today VIC Group has invited here the KIRA Network “Powering DeFi with Liquid Staking”. Now, Let’s welcome the guest today :

Mrs. Milana Valmont –CEO & Co-Founder and Mr.Mateusz CTO-CoFounder

Hello @miLanavaLmont @asmodat

Milana Valmont | Kira Network |
Hello everyone!

Asmodat | KIRA Staking |

Tiểu Mai:
🎉It is an honor to meet you here 🎉

Milana Valmont | Kira Network |
Thank for having us

Tiểu Mai:
Thank you for taking the time to come to VIC Group and attend this AMA session

Milana Valmont | Kira Network |
Of course

Tiểu Mai:
Today, Mrs. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz will directly answer questions from members of the community VIC Group and sharing information plan, upcoming KiraNetwork targets.
Please look forward to it !!!
Before starting the program I would like to briefly introduce the program so that everyone participating in the AMA session will know
We have 3 Segment Please say DONE when completing your answer

Segment 1: Introduce and Question Warm-up
Moderator Tieu Mai will ask 3 question warm-up.

Segment 2: Question Selected Form
📍We will proceed to ask the 5 questions (Selected question in Form) then Mrs. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz will answer 5 question.
At this Session, the chat function will be mute for members, except for Admins & Guest.

Segment 3: Live Question
Free Q & A between the community and KiraNetwork project
Community members will conduct questions Mrs. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz. Group will proceed to open chat in 120 seconds. We have only 1 round. Mrs. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz will answer questions from the community.
Are you ready? @miLanavaLmont @asmodat

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Lets do it :)

Asmodat | KIRA Staking

👉 Part 1 : Basic Introduction of KIRA NETWORK and Milana Valmont CEO & Mateusz CTO of KIRA NETWORK.

Tiểu Mai:
Question 1
: Can you please briefly introduce yourself and Kira Network?@miLanavaLmont @asmodat

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
My name is Mateusz, Kira CTO. I am an electronics engineer, in crypto since late 2011, involved in interchain/web3 ecosystem space for the last 3 years, worked as R&D developer for Barclays Bank, then as lead infra engineer for US based Settle Finance, then as product manager for the crypto exchange in Switzerland called Bity, shortly after that started Kira with @miLanavaLmont

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
I am Milana Valmont, I have a corporate finance background from NY. I got the crypto space first as an investor in early 2017 and later the same year I joined Binance exchange as a community volunteer
Afterwords I have worked as project manager for Adcoin com and was an adviser to Sentinel dVPN. In 2018 I joined Knoks platform as head of strategy, and by mid 2019 I dedicated my full attention to Kira as CEO :)
Kira is the first decentralized network that enables market access to any digital asset in the interchain ecosystem, where you can earn block and fee rewards from staking any digital asset on multiple chains at the same time

Tiểu Mai:
Great. Thank you for the introduction of yourself and projects of Ms. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz to everyone participating in the AMA.
Continuing the program will be the questions that VIC group is about to ask for the project

Question 2: What is outstanding about KiraNetwork’s technology compared to other projects?
@miLanavaLmont @asmodat

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
With Kira you can stake any asset and trade them at the same time thanks to liquid staking, without locking up your capital as other PoS chains do. Thanks to our native consensus the Multi Bonded Proof of Stake, you can stake any cryptocurrencies, digital fiat as well as the NFTs like tokenized real estate, art and luxury items.
Kira’s security increases with the more asset being deposited and staked.

Tiểu Mai:
And the next question

Question 3:What practical value will Kira bring to the user?
Can you tell us more about KiraCore? @miLanavaLmont @asmodat

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
Currently when you stake your assets you have no ability to transfer or use them, the practical value that Kira brings is unlocking access to that capital at stake — so that when you stake you maintain ability to trade or use other DeFi at the same time -> with Kira users have ability to utilize 100% of the capital and not just few % like with other networks or DeFi platforms.
Kira Core -> is the main contributor to the Kira Network codebase, its the corporate company. Kira Network is decentralized and long term not dependent in any way on Kira Core.

Tiểu Mai:
Thanks a lot for brief introduction KiraNetwork and Great sharing information plan in the feature from Mrs. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz
Now, we are going to Segment 2
Now, we begin with 5 questions that have been selected.

👉Part 2: Guest Milana Valmont CEO & Mateusz CTO of KIRA NETWORK will answer community questions. People can post questions (here (

Question 1. What are the incentive mechanisms included in the KIRA Blockchain/ KIRA Network ecosystem? Can we get rewards by staking tokens? @looizu

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
With Kira you can stake ANY token, both fungible and non fungible assets (NFT). The incentive come in form of the block and fee rewards, that are individually assigned to each asset that can be staked. Kira governance has control over interest rates and optimizes revenue each token gets to attract users and to generate maximum possible income to the network.

Tiểu Mai:
Question 2
. What is the uniqueness of KIRA that cannot be found in other project that’s been released so far ? What influence do we have in the crypto industry?@xuanzia

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
Kira is a first ever project to introduce staking of ANY asset to secure a PoS consensus, and we brought that even further by enabling use of all the capital at stake to power DeFi applications deployed on top. Kira approach to crypto economics will have huge influence and impact on the crypto ecosystem as there is currently no viable and secure way of scaling PoS without use of real value on stake — and that is exactly what Kira is proposing

Tiểu Mai:
Thank @asmodat and the following is the next question

Question 3. Can customers get support by KIRA without delivering sensitive personal information? What information do you save on the system? Is it necessary to present the information? How does the system protect users from risks? @thieuzu

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
Kira users directly communicates with the blockchain application, there is no man in the middle or centralized gateway that could in any way collect data or require from user to reveal any sensitive information.
Only risk that any PoS network has is slashing, in case of Kira governance system assists slashing to evaluate if misbehaviour was a real attack or simply a misconfiguration or hardware/software fault. For this reason staking on Kira is way less risky than in case of any other PoS out there.

Tiểu Mai:
Question 4. KIRA is a bit unique because it use Cosmos/Tendermint. While other DeFi use Ethereum — why you. guys choose Cosmos? @nhiphuonga

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
We choose Cosmos because we need fast finality and ease of interconnecting with other blockchains. But we are not cosmos exclusive, we will be integrating both cosmos IBC and polkadot XCMP protocol for trustless transfer ot asset from independent blockchains

Tiểu Mai:
And here is the final question of part 2

Question 5. How do you describe KIRA in a single sentence? @aoanhz

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Kira is the first decentralized network that enables staking and market access to any digital asset, where users can stake, earn rewards abd trade while maintaining full liquidity

Tiểu Mai:
Great. Many thanks for the answers Mrs. Milana Valmont

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Thank you as well :)

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
Thank you

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Great questions

Tiểu Mai:
And now we move on to Part 3: Direct Questions @miLanavaLmont @asmodat are you ready?
📍Community members will conduct questions Mrs. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz. Group will proceed to open chat in 120 seconds. We have only 1 round. Mrs. Milana Valmont and Mr.Mateusz will answer questions from the community.
We will have 10 questions answered.

👉Part 3: All members can ask anything directly about KIRA NETWORK.

Question 1: How do you plan to spread your understanding of the project in different countries where spoken English is not good like me?

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
We are already targeting markets in China, Korea and Vietnam. We have our local groups set up where you can join and learn more about Kira. We will also be pushing a lot of educational content and distribute it to the main platforms of these markets

Question 2: What’s so special about the Multi Bonded Proof of Stake concept, and why do you believe this concept would revolutionize the future?
Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Yes i believe this would revolutionize the future, because with MBPoS you can stake any digital asset you have earn revenue and trade at the same time

Question 3: How will KIRA Network solve the scaling problem? And what can KIRA Network offer to overcome the threat of centralization?
Asmodat | KIRA Staking
Kira uses novel approach to scaling both network and it’s security, with Kira there are no limitation how much value can be locked at stake — as multiple different assets can be used — including real world assets in form of NFT’s. This means that it is possible to shard the blockchain application logic and ensure that each shard is operated by the subset of validators with sufficient value at stake at all times.

Question 4: Asides earning 50% of the network fees as a Validator on Kira, are there other benefits attached to being a Validator?

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Aside from 50% fee rewards, validators can charge the commission that they themselves define, and you will be able to participate in the governance process

Question 5: Now I know what kind of music the long-haired guy from KIRA Network prefers, but what about the founder, what kind of music does she like?

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
I have a very eclectic taste, it ranges from classical jazz to deep hours ;)

Question 6: How to be motivated to use KIRA Network? What are the benefits of using?

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
You can make revenue by staking any asset, but maintain ability to trade it or use with any other DeFi platform at the same time

Question 7: Is there an educational strategy to train users and have more knowledge about Kira Network? How do you plan to increase engagement with your community?

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Yes, we will be pushing a lot of educational content, as well as different reward programs for our community who is planning to be “kira conscious”

Question 8: How is it possible to Stake all types of Digital assets ( cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, NFT’s,real-world assets) on Kira Network, How were you able to achieve this?

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
Its possible thanks to our native consensus the Multi Bonded Proof of Stake

Question 9: I have read that Kira Network depends, plans to depend heavily on Staking, could you tell us what is required for a user to be able to stake? up to how much% could it generate annually?

Asmodat | KIRA Staking
There is no minimum or maximum and any asset can be staked. Governance of Kira defines interest rates for staking — how much stakeholders of what asset type can make. All that is defined on individual bases to attract users and increase network activity — which than benefits all stakeholders.

Question 10: Regulation is very important. Many projects were closed in many countries due to failure to use the correct regulations and permits. In order to go global how does the Kira team deal with these issues?

Milana Valmont | Kira Network
We are a decentralized project that has a hub spoke architecture, meaning our validators will be responsible for the trading zones that their jurisdiction allows, that way we can stay most compliant.



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